If there was a will that magic powers really exist, what would be the best magic? What would be the worst magic?
Children all over the world expect to have magic powers when they grow up, but how can that be if in reality magic powers don't exsist?
Should we tell children now growing up that they will never have magical powers? Will reality reuin these children's dreams?
2/17/2013 09:35:33 pm

"Should we tell children now growing up that they will never have magical powers? Will reality ruin these children's dreams?"

I believe that reality can ruin a dream, because life is all about making the impossible become possible. Kids need something to believe, evenually they will realize what is possible and true for them. Who's to say that magical powers aren't real? Magic powers could just be something different than what we expect.

2/17/2013 11:00:52 pm

best magic power:flying
worst magic power:Telepathy
Most kids around 3-4 prolly think about having super powers but will eventually grow but if it like me,and some kids when there ready to grow up they already know what they want to be a super powers wont be on there mind. But if you think about it doctors,nurses,firefighters,police there all heros trying to keep the world and people safe.

Erica Talbott
2/19/2013 01:12:34 am

I think the best power would be being able to time travel becuase you can either skip a certain part in your life or you can go back to a certain part. I think the worst power would be mind reading because you just don't need to know every single thing. I just think mind reading could really end u getting you hurt. And no, dont tell the kids they won't have super powers. Just let them have fun and when it comes to that day that they realize it's not true, then shrug it off. It's called growing up :)

Tanesha Thomas
2/19/2013 10:28:41 pm

I think that expanding childrens imagination is always good but its to a certain extent. we dont want children growing up thinking that their parents lied to them all their lives either . SO i thnk that its an hard desicion


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