Our Children’s Number One Hero

Every grown up in the world should know by now that children rule the world. They are the world! What needs to be understood more is that children need their parents more than anything. Helping every child in the world should not be an option, it should it be mandatory. This is clearly because children are the future. The future employees, the future singer, dancers, officers, doctors, nurses and etc. but for them to be these great people, they need great advisors.

This is where the grown-ups today come in. Not just parents but doctors and nurses. Pediatric nurses and doctors are what they are. The way I feel about them are that they are the best super heroes of all time. My reasoning for this is because when children are at their worst, they are there to help them get back to their best, which means hope for the future.

Pediatric nurses and doctors have to go to through an educational process, college: university or medical school. But this is only for perfection. Some stay in the educational process for long periods of time, 8 to 10 years maybe. But why not? I would. This would not only make me very social because that comes naturally but smarter, yes, and more aware. If any parent in the world would have the opportunity to thank anyone in the world besides God, it should be these medical heroes. They work with these children up until their 21 years old.

It amazes me to see the bright smiles on these children’s faces when doctors and nurses complete their mission of getting them well enough. I can’t stress enough about how much I love these people because, I was once one of them children, stuck in a hospital bed with my face on the floor. I lay in that bed wondering if I’m ever going to have a future.  Will I ever walk again; will people still love me and my smile even though I don’t have any teeth? Look at me now, writing this and smiling with my 32 teeth. Exciting isn’t it? They helped me and the other children have a second chance. I’m pretty sure that now those children that were in the hospital with me are taking their second chance to an advantage.

I want, I have, No I NEED to be one of those heroes in my adulthood. It would make me feel like the best women in the world. I feel like I would be giving back something or sharing something that was given to me.  I love children anyway, so why not? JaMeisha loves the kids “laughing out loud!”

Every day I think to myself would if I wasn’t able to smile at all, while in the hospital? I wouldn’t be able to have this conversation right now. I would be the one hoping that I get out the hospital and how thankful I am to have these wonderful doctors and nurses helping me make my way out. That’s why I thank god every day for blessing me with another chance.

But enough about me, back to these wonderful children; I feel like we need to give these kids a head start on the game. Life is not easy as an adult and me, almost there, knows that now. Educate these kids to want to save lives and strive to be the best. All the positive energy will make the world better. The best career field is to be in the medical field. Not only will it always around with open jobs but the money is also good. Not only that but I know it would feel great to help people in need.

Children are so lost in paradise that they don’t realize that being a super hero with supernatural powers will never be able to happen because there is no supernova. But what they also fail to realize is that they will have a power that they can make stronger by expanding their education.